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Views: 2424     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-08-28      Origin: Site


In industrial production, filler sealing, as a common sealing method, is widely used in various mechanical equipment. However, leakage problems often occur during the use of filler seals, which will not only affect the normal operation of the equipment, but also cause environmental pollution and safety hazards. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to analyze the leakage cause of the filler seal and find an effective solution.

1. Reasons for the leakage of filler seal

1). Improper selection of filler material

Different working media have different requirements for the material of the filler. If the selected packing material is not suitable for the working medium, it is prone to corrosion, wear and other problems, resulting in leakage. For example, the use of ordinary rubber fillers in corrosive media will be quickly corroded and damaged; the use of non-high-temperature fillers in high-temperature environments will lose the sealing effect due to deformation.

2). Non-standard packing installation

The installation quality of the filler directly affects the sealing effect. If the filling incision is uneven during installation, the packing cover is not pressed tightly, and the gap between the filling rings is too large, it will reduce the sealing performance and lead to leakage. In addition, if the oil, rust and other impurities on the surface of the shaft are not removed during the installation process, it will also affect the fit between the filler and the shaft, thus causing leakage.

3). Changes in equipment operating conditions

During the operation of the equipment, changes in pressure, temperature, speed and other parameters will have an impact on the packing seal. For example, too high pressure will cause the filler to be squeezed out; too high temperature will cause the filler to age and deform; too fast rotation speed will increase the wear of the filler. All these factors may lead to the failure of the seal and leakage.

4). Surface quality problems of the shaft

The surface roughness, roundness and straightness of the shaft have a great impact on the performance of the filler seal. If the surface roughness of the shaft is too large, it will increase the wear of the filler; if the roundness and straightness are not good, the force of the filler will be uneven, which is easy to cause local leakage. In addition, the eccentricity and beating of the shaft will also affect the sealing effect.

5). Lack of maintenance

The filler seal needs to be maintained regularly during use, such as adding lubricant and adjusting the tightness of the filler cover. If there is a lack of maintenance, the packing will lose its sealing performance due to wear, aging and other reasons, resulting in leakage.

2. Solution to the leakage of filler seal

1). Correct selection of filler material

Choose the appropriate packing material according to the nature, temperature, pressure and other factors of the working medium. For example, for corrosive media, corrosion-resistant PTFE, graphite and other fillers can be selected; for high-temperature and high-pressure environments, high-temperature and high-pressure metal fillers or ceramic fiber fillers can be selected. At the same time, the wear resistance, self-lubrication and other properties of the filler should also be considered to ensure that the filler can work steadily for a long time.

2). Standardize the installation operation of fillers

When installing fillers, strictly follow the operating procedures. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the incision of the filler is flat, and the incision angle is generally about 45°. Secondly, the filler should be installed one by one, and the incision of each filler should be staggered at a certain angle to ensure the sealing performance. During the installation process, the filler cover should be properly pressed so that the filler fits closely between the shaft and the packing box, but it should not be too tight to avoid the wear of the shaft. Finally, after the installation is completed, the trial operation should be carried out to check the sealing effect. If there is any problem, adjust it in time.

3). Control the operating conditions of the equipment

During the operation of the equipment, we should pay close attention to the changes of pressure, temperature, speed and other parameters, and adjust the operation status of the equipment in time so that it is within the tolerance range of the packing seal. For example, when the pressure is too high, decompression measures can be taken; when the temperature is too high, cooling measures can be taken; when the rotation speed is too high, the equipment speed can be reduced or other sealing methods can be adopted.

4). Improve the surface quality of the shaft

When machining the shaft, the surface roughness, roundness, straightness and other parameters of the shaft should be strictly controlled to meet the design requirements. For the shafts that have been used, if the surface quality is not good, it can be repaired by grinding, polishing and other methods. In addition, before installing the filler, it is necessary to completely remove oil, rust and other impurities on the surface of the shaft to ensure the fit between the filler and the shaft.

5). Strengthen maintenance

Regularly maintain the packing seal and replace the worn and aging filler in time. In the process of maintenance, attention should be paid to adding lubricant to reduce the wear of the filler; at the same time, it is necessary to adjust the tightness of the filler cover to maintain appropriate pressure. In addition, it is necessary to check the operation status of the equipment regularly to find and solve problems in time to ensure the reliability of the packing seal.

In a word, the leakage problem of the filler seal is caused by a variety of reasons. Only by in-depth analysis of these reasons and effective solutions can we ensure the performance of the filler seal and ensure the normal operation of the equipment. In practical application, we should comprehensively consider various factors according to the specific situation, choose the appropriate packing sealing method, and strengthen management and maintenance to improve the sealing performance and reliability of the equipment.

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