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Views: 2453     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-20      Origin: Site



The two main functions of seals are to minimize or prevent fluid leakage, while preventing dust and debris from entering. If the seal is not manufactured according to functional requirements, or if installation and maintenance are improper, the seal may fail and cause fluid loss. How can we prevent seal failures and better maintain seals?

Causes of seal failure

1. Improper installation. Improperly installed seals can fail in many ways. Improper installation can cause the seal to tear or scratch, resulting in malfunction. The seal can even be installed backwards, causing immediate leakage. Without the correct size, the seal may break or fail to seal at all. The size of the seal should be suitable for the diameter of a certain shaft or rod, and marked with this. seals can only be used when designing dimensions.

2. Pollution. During operation, metal shavings, powder, dirt, coarse sand and other fine solid particles may be picked up and damage the seals, and may enter the protected area. This may include internal cylinder contamination, cylinder wear, filter clogging, dirty oil, and poor wiper performance after a period of time. Any liquid used in these applications should properly filter debris.

3. The temperature is too high. The heat may cause the elastomer to harden and cause the sealing performance to deteriorate, eventually becoming brittle and cracking. There is usually a specified temperature range that is optimal for the use of specific seals. Increased temperature also accelerates aging. Application temperature and constant friction will greatly reduce the life expectancy of hydraulic seals.

4. Pressure. When the pressure of the seal exceeds its limit and fails, it may be the result of excessive pressure. Failure modes range from cracking to complete structural damage. Check pressure peaks and ensure that the seal design meets the pressure in the given application. When the recommended pressure is exceeded, the seal wears faster.

5. Chemical deterioration. Corrosive fluids or incompatible chemical components can cause damage to the sealing material. This may happen when an inappropriate sealing material is selected for application. Chemical corrosion can manifest as expansion or contraction of the seal.

How to prevent seal failure

For the seal to work properly, the seal must withstand extreme temperatures, high pressure, chemicals and contaminants. seals can be made of many different materials, and choosing the right seal for the job is not an easy task. It must not only consider and understand the machinery or equipment on which the seal will reside or be inside, but also consider the potential impact of the seal environment.

Seal failures will cause equipment problems and expensive downtime. If they are used in the correct application, although they are durable, they can cause serious problems with the wrong settings. However, as long as you understand the cause of seal failure and how to prevent it, you can avoid such problems.

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